

Occupational health

                                                     The Aim of occupational health

1-To protect the workers against any health hazards in working environmental
2- prevention and control of health hazard to which workers my be exposed to minimize their adverse effects                      

                                      Occupational health teams consist of

1-doctors    2- toxicologists     3- microbiologists    4-safety engineers
5-nurses      6- lawyers             7- epidemiologists

The occupational health hazard include:

1- Physical       (noise –vibration –heat – cold – radiation)
2-chemical       (liquids – dusts –fibers – gases – vapor)
3-Biological       (fungi – bacteria – viruses
4- Mechanical   (posture – repetitive actions – movement)
5-psycho-social ( worry  - work pressure – unsocial house )

Services of occupational health:

1- engineering services ( concerned with environmental and factors of accidents )
2- Medical services ( pre-employment medical examination –periodic medical examination –social &Nursing services )
accident is defined as an unplanned or unexpected occurrence caused by the fault of man machine or physical environment and causing injury or damage

causes of work injuries and accidents

1-  workers are not trained to use equipments or machines properly

2- safety regulations are not observed                                                                                                                                   
3- workers are irritable tired ill worried or hungry                                                                                                       

Dust is: defined as solid particles from solid particles into the air by natural forces or man-made processes
              dust particles are usually in the size range from about 1 to 100 um in diameter and they settle slowly under the
              influence of gravity

types of dusts in the working environmental

1- miniral dusts                 2- metallic dusts                 3- organic and vegetable dusts

Dust exposure diseases             

 Pneumoconiosis: is the accumulation of dust in lung and the tissue reaction to its presence
          1- simple deposition: siderosis (dust iron in lung)     
2- Moderate deposition:byssinosis (dust cotton and flax in lung) 
3-  acute deposition : silicosis ( dust crystalline silica in lung)

Types of pneumoconiosis :

Depending on the type of dust inhaled:1-coal dust caused (black lung disease)
                                                                   2-cotton dust caused(brown lung disease)

Types of pneumoconiosis:

1- blak lung disease: known as miner.s lung its caused by breathing in coal dust
2-- brown lung disease:which comes from working around dust from cotton or other fibers


*simple pneumoconiosis     : no clinical manifestations
* complicated pneumoconiosis : (1- cough   2- lots of phlegm   3- shortness of breath )  


*the patient my be dianosis with pneumoconiosis
1- has lung symptoms  2- X-RAY abnormalities      3-history of working around(coal –asbestos – silica )
4- Routine x-ray during the time he is employed  5- physical examination    6- CT scan of the chest
Treatment :    can.t be cured .  once 
  1- controlling the symptoms     2- Atreatment plan(Not smoking    3 – avoiding all dust exposure –using o2
   4- taking medications that open lung passages

Emad ghazi
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كاتب ومحرر اخبار اعمل في موقع best one first .

جديد قسم : Medical Sciences

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