

Dealing with constipation and anal cracking! What is the relationship?

It may be caused by anal fissures through chronic diarrhea, the child's birth, and inflammation of the anorectal area, and a variety of conditions, but the most common cause is constipation and the passage of a large stool, CBS and hardness.
Constipation and anal fissures! What is the relationship between these two conditions that not many people are willing to discuss publicly?
Constipation usually is defined as the presence of three bowel movements in a week or less. It can also refer to the passage of stools that are hard and dry, and small, and the inability to fully empty the bowel, and straining during defecation. And it is often accompanied by constipation due to bleeding hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
When the colon absorbs plenty of fluids, and stool through the colon slowly harden stool. The large steel stool or constipation during the past year can cause cuts and tears in the lining of the anus. Chronic constipation or one occurrence of severe constipation is the most common reason for anal fissures.
Constipation can affect everyone, but women, the elderly and children are more susceptible to the case of anal fissure. In pregnant women, constipation is common because of the increase in the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the digestive system and slows the passage of food in the intestine. Iron supplements can aggravate constipation. In children, and it can be caused by constipation several reasons, including the sensitivity of milk protein, and insufficient fluid in the body, and the introduction of solid foods. In the elderly, and it can be caused by constipation slow metabolism and not enough fiber and fluids in the diet.
Constipation and anal fissures! What is the relationship between the treatment of constipation and healing of anal fissures?
Get rid of constipation with the use of home remedies are often enough to relieve and heal the painful cracks.
Most cases of constipation respond well to conservative treatment, which involves changes in diet, physical activity, and customs, and the use of laxatives light.
Dietary changes usually involve more fiber to add bulk to the diet and drink enough water a day.
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, exercise or may be introduced physical activity to maximize the flow of blood.
Eliminating the need to defecate may also cause hardening of the stool, and should be avoided by easing to you as soon as you feel the need to do so.
For children and adults, the doctor that the recipe is suitable for short-term use in episodes of constipation laxative recommended

Fecal impaction, a more severe form of constipation, and often called the doctor who will break the stool hardening manually by entering a gloved finger. May mineral water or hot oil enema also provide relief.
Once the treatment of constipation, it is likely to recover in 1:59 weeks anal fissures. You can speed up the healing using ointments, calcium carbonate, and creams nitroglycerin, and hot tubs.
Prevent constipation and anal fissure is very simple. A combination of getting enough fiber in your diet by eating vegetables, grains and fruits, and the practice of régulièrementHealth Fitness articles, and will drink six to eight glasses of water a day helps keep bowel function and effectively help you to avoid constipation anal fissure!
Emad ghazi
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